PKM – This is How We (I) Do It


The whole idea of a Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) system is that it is your personal and individual way to to find and share different information or relevance.

While I have been finding this concept quite difficult, after reading Harold Jarche, What is your PKM routine?, I realised I have been doing this without realising for sometime. Every time I find something of interest, I have been tweeting about it on twitter, as I find it quite simple to find again at a later stage.

Jarche has states that this is one of the methods that he uses on a regular basis, as well as his use of blogging.

I had never considered what I was doing was in fact creating my personal PKM.

Beata’s blog also talks about how she is now able to apply her previous method of sticky notes and highlighters more easily through the help of Diigo.

So I conclude that my abilities, interest and motivation for my PKM is being quick and efficient, being able to use the technology to look up a hashtag or subject and find everything I had previously found useful and the ability to share what I am learning with like-minded people.


One thought on “PKM – This is How We (I) Do It

  1. I also didn’t realise that I would using the PKM system with university studies with printing hard copies and having folders and sub folders as well. It has helped me keep organised through my studies as well.

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