If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow – John Dewey


While working thought the learning path, I came across the title of this blog, a quote by John Dewey. I feel like this quote encompasses everything I feel about the use of ICT within the classroom and the future of teaching and learning.

When I was at school (insert yawn here) I found math extremely difficult because I could not remember all my times tables in my head, they just wouldn’t stay in there. My Mum brought me the posters and even a cassette that made them into little songs, to make them easier to learn, but nothing worked.

I now know thats because I was never taught the concept of times tables – I was just focusing on remembering them all.

I now know that children need to be taught that multiplication is grouping and that to work out the answers we just have to find out how many are they all together.

In my future classroom, I will be taking a number of different tools with me in my tool belt to ensure no child is left behind.

I’d love to hear from anyone who had similar experiences.


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